Helping Your Customers Transition to Paperless
April 13
BComing a BCorp

Helping Your Customers Transition to Paperless

A recent study by the Environmental Protection Agency shows paper and paperboard make up the largest percentage of materials that end up in landfills. If you’re a brand that values sustainability, transitioning to paperless is a key step to reducing your carbon footprint.

Despite the environmental benefits, your customers might meet these changes with some resistance. In this post, we’ll give some tips on how to make the transition to paperless as painless for customers as possible. The best way to meet customer objections? Present the facts, stay positive, and be willing to help them get comfortable with the transition.

Resistance to Digital Communication?

Some customers may tell you they “don’t do email,” while others might be concerned about losing communications or missing digital bills. One way to change their perspective on digital communication is to remind them that email and online billing is a more timely and direct way to communicate with the company. Paper records delivered via snail mail require multiple days to reach their destination, while texts, emails, and app notifications can be delivered in-real time.

Actionable Tip: Share your paperless transition journey on your website and social media channels so customers understand exactly when the changes will come and what steps they should take to keep communications flowing. In the messaging, make sure to include how communications will be improved.

Questions About Document Security?

Digital security is a big concern for some so be transparent from the beginning about the steps you are taking to keep information secure. These customers might lack computer know-how, but others may be among your most computer savvy customers.

When handled properly, digital documents can be more secure than paper documents. Yet suspicions about security may persist. Trust in your paperless system will largely depend on how much your customers trust you as a company. If you’ve put in the work to build a strong brand, you’re likely to have the trust needed to overcome security questions too.

Actionable Tip: Create a short video discussing your data security strategy and the steps you’ve taken to keep sensitive personal information secure. Share with customers and invite them to reach out to talk to a real person with any concerns.

Assisting Tech Newbies

No matter how much education you provide for your new paperless system, there will always be customers who run into issues and need assistance, especially after it first launches. Expect to see a big bump in calls and emails about lost passwords, forgotten usernames, and bug reports within your online payment system.

Prepare in advance with a protocol for managing paperless complaints and issues. Train staff to remain calm and document issues thoroughly. You certainly don’t want to attribute an issue to customer error when there’s a problem with the overall system you’re using.

Actionable Tip: Make sure directions for online portals and login processes are simply written and easy to find from your website main page. Include a reminder about the paperless system and how to sign on in your company phone greetings. Create a list of common problems and offer troubleshooting tips to customer service reps as well as posted on your website. Show you’re not just there to take their complaint, but to help them.

*Bonus Actionable Tip: Offer incentives to new customers who adopt your paperless policies from the get-go and promote them on your social media channels to show others how easy and beneficial it can be for them, too.

Going Paperless for a Cause

If paperless stress mounts, remind yourself why you did it in the first place. Using less paper means less waste in landfills and fewer trees felled. The result is helping lessen your carbon impact, something most people can get behind.

Make sure to thank those that are happy to switch to paperless with discounts and messages of gratitude. Help support those who are struggling with patience and kindness. And if resistance persists, remind those customers of your values and why paperless matters to you.

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